Vanbreda Risk & Benefits first in quality rating RiF

4 Nov 2020

The Financial Service Providers Rating Institute (RiFD) has given all 8,000 consultancy firms in the Netherlands a quality rating. Vanbreda Risk & Benefits has the highest rating on the list and is number one! We score high, especially in the field of the expertise of our employees. A nice compliment. Both for our employees and for our relations who keep us on our toes every day.

Expertise employees and a broad (international) network

The quality of the offices has been mapped on the basis of four sub-scores:

  • Experience
  • Digitization
  • Professional competence
  • Financial health

In particular, the professionalism and expertise of our employees was well assessed. Just like the business operations and the many years of experience that we have in-house as an office. In addition, our collaboration with other offices and our international network is seen as a plus.

Benchmark for quality of service level

The rating is an evaluation of the quality of an office. But, according to the RiFD, also a criterion for the service level and professionalism of an office. With this rating, clients gain more insight into the quality of the advisers and can benefit from this. The higher the rating, the better the quality of the advisors.

We are therefore very proud of this number one position!